Ethan Tsai

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Istanbul Part 2

My 8-day Istanbul trip is covered over 5 posts:

Part 1: Day 1/2

Part 2: Day 3/4 + Misfits

Intermission: Catstanbul

Part 3: Day 5/6

Part 4: Day 7/8

Day 3 + Day 4

The exhaustion from sleep deprivation, jetlag, conferences, and 15+ miles of walking in the heat every day finally caught up to me: my body just said “Nope!” and gave me a temporary fever+body aches+sore throat which left me bedridden for about a day and half. So in the meantime, I compile some misfits from the whole week.

Misfits 1

Turkish doggos. Sleepy on left. Not sleepy on right.

Misfits 2

Filmic af.

Misfits 3

Random vibes.

Misfits 4

Ferry-perspective Bosphorus photos with all sorts of messed up blues because I got lazy at editing. I kinda like the filmic vibes in the last few though…